Bad Day  -  Asher Roth

 Asher Roth

And it just keeps going
And it just keeps

So Im in the airport getting ready to leave

Heading to a friends wedding in the NYC
But my head has been spinning Im forgetting to eat
All this jet setting has really been getting to me
Its already 1120 and Im ready to sleep

But instead I end up sitting in the 27th seat
An isle seat fine by me
But the guy thats insides always trying to pee
With a wild child behind thats crying and keeps

Flipping out and kicking at me while it violently screams
So I silently plead Oh God please
Let there be a honey sitting 27B
But of course a morbidly obese beast

Is in the seat that wheezes when it breathes
The guy thats in D is at least three deep
And he keeps telling me what is wrong with his knees
Everything best shorter just need water

But for a bottle they charge two dollars
And when I thought that it couldnt be worse I forgot my iPod

Im having a bad day nothing ever seems to go my way

Everybody needs to go away why because Im having a bad day

And it just keeps going
And it just keeps x2

So four hours of turbulence we land when Im about to turd my pants
But the captain is seat belt fastened
So my ass is just passin gas

And at last I escape when Im minutes away from clinically insane
I make my way towards baggage claim
When I hear a high pitched voice scream my name
Some dumb btch I went to high school with

While shes sweating shes telling me she likes my sht
I just smile and think how great it would be
If I could just hit this chick with a quick like sweep
So I pick up my LL Bean

And b line for the next taxi
In need of weed and boxer briefs
But my bags only got maxis

Im having a bad day nothing ever seems to go my way
Everybody needs to go away why because Im having a bad day

And it just keeps going

And it just keeps x2

I check into my hotel room
And I pick up my cell phone to dial the groom

Tell him I moved and I need some water and food
And Im probably gonna stay in and watch a movie
But the tube has no HBO
So anything I want yo Im paying fo

But Im lame and broke so
Im laying in a robe watching that Little People Big World show
Right then theres a knock at the door
Its my last hope for a Spanish whore

Who will change my sheets in exchange for penis
Hi Ive lost my cat have you seen it

Jesus this day is the worst

At least I can give me a little jerk and then go to sleep
Healthy and diseaseless I guess it could be worse but Im just

Having a bad day nothing ever seems to go my way

Everybody needs to go away why because Im having a bad day

And it just keeps going
And it just keeps x2

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Related : Bad Day  -  Asher Roth.