I woke up yesterday morning
Fell down two flights of stairs
Well I thought I was wide awake but my legs were still asleep
Nineoneone ambulance help me
But I cant reach the phone
So I scream to the neighbors Come over break into my home
I broke my back
There was nobody there to help me
Broke my back
All the lies and deception wont change the perception that
I fell flat on my ass
I wish this had happened skydiving
That my parachute failed
But a pair of shoes tripped me down stairs and I lay there and wail
Those things I used to take for granted
Now I take sitting down
I cant brush my teeth chew my nails give the finger to a clown
I broke my back
And I cant even change the channels
Broke my back
I fell flat on my ass
Well they tell me that I shouldnt get discouraged
But they tell me that Ill never walk again
And they say Im gonna need alot of courage
And they say Im gonna need alot of friends
But what I really need is a pair of electric legs
So I wish some genius would just invent them
And if they cost to much Id share with someone else
Or I would scour the Yellow Pages and Id rent them
I know I can probably pop a wheely
Entertaining the kids
I can put hockey cards in the spokes I can even throw skids
I get a good seat at a concert
Even get stuff for free
Is it cause Im an excellent guy or cause theyre scared of me
I broke my back
And I cant even use the clapper
I broke my back
All the lies and deception wont change the perception that
available on Telegram t.me/liriklaguok