B Movie  -  Elvis Costello

 Elvis Costello

I found america had another corner of my wallet
its a well kept secret thought that I had better swallow it
thought theyd make me spit out the truth
before they find youre lying about your youth

b movie thats all youre to me
just a softsoap story

dont want no woman to act on me
you cant stand it when it goes to reel to reel to reel to reel
you cant stand it when I throw punch lines you cant feel

all the time theres rule book in pretending
theres no one in the wings
and everybodys on the make
its not your heart I want to break

turn out the lights Im thinking that I want to go to sleep now
but just give me a promise that Im supposed to keep now
I dont want some fool asking me why

when I find youre finally making me cry


available on Telegram t.me/liriklaguok
Related : B Movie  -  Elvis Costello.