August 7, 4:15  -  Jon Bon Jovi

 Jon Bon Jovi

J Bon Jovi

It was another day
A perfect Texas afternoon

A mother and two children play
The way the always do
As they raced home from the mailbox
A mother and her son

Against a little girl of 6 years old
The independant one

The deputies went door to door

Through all the neighborhood
They said I got some news to tell you folks
Im afraid it aint so good
Somehow something happened

Someone got away
Someone got the answers for what happened here today
Oh no Oh no Oh no no no no

Tell me it was just a dream August 7 45815
God closed His eyes and the world got mean
August 7 45815

Now the people from the papers and the local TV news
Tried to find the reason
Cop dogs sniffed around for clues
Someone shouted Hit and Run

The coroner cried Foul
Her blue dress was what she wore
The day they laid her body down
Oh no Oh no Oh no no no no

Tell me it was just a dream August 7 45815
God closed His eyes and the world got mean
August 7 45815

I know tonight that theres an angel
Up on Heavens highest hill
And no one there can hurt you baby

No one ever will
Somewhere someones conscience is like a burning bed
The flames are all around you
How you gonna sleep again

Oh no Oh no Oh no no no no

Tell me it was just a dream August 7 45815

God closed His eyes and the world got mean
August 7 45815

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Related : August 7, 4:15  -  Jon Bon Jovi.