YouTube is an American videosharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California.Although the mostviewed videos were initially viral videos, such as Evolution of Dance and Charlie Bit My Finger, the mostviewed videos were increasingly related to music videos.In fact, since Lady Gagas Bad Romance in 2009, every video that has reached the top of the mostviewed YouTube videos list ...YouTube didirikan oleh Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, dan Jawed Karim, yang sebelumnya merupakan karyawan pertama PayPal. Hurley belajar desain di Indiana University of Pennsylvania, sementara Chen dan Karim belajar ilmu komputer di University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.. Menurut cerita yang berulangulang diterbitkan di media, Hurley dan Chen mengembangkan ide YouTube pada bulan …
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