Arata Kaizaki is a 27yearold, unemployed man who has failed at each and every job interview he has had after quitting his last company where he only lasted three months. His life changes after he meets Ryō Yoake of the ReLIFE Laboratory, who offers him a drug that can change his appearance to that of a 17yearsold again. Taking the drug, he becomes a subject in a oneyear experiment in ...AppearancePersonalityHistoryStoryTriviaOnoya is a short and petite woman with warm beige hair and pinkish red eyes. When attending Aoba High School or otherwise hanging out with students from Aoba High, she kepted a rather nerdy appearance to fit in with the schools academicallyoriented reputation. She sports her hair in two braids tied with small red hairelastics with several strands of hair framing her face. She wears a pair of rectangular glasses (prescriptionl…See more on
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