How do you spell it correctly? COLOR or COLOUR?
Both of them are correct:
COLOR (American English) - COLOUR (British English)
By the way...
How many colours do you know?
How many colours are there in the picture?
What colour is your favourite?
Which colour is the best one? Why?
Listen to One Voice Children's Choir sing 'TRUE COLORS'.
Watch as children from the choir begin singing in pure white clothing,
and then end the song covered in colorful powder.
The Group:
One Voice Children's Choir is a non-profit children's musical group based in the USA.
The Song:
'TRUE COLORS' is originally made by Cindy Lauper,
but nowadays it is a song performed by Justin Timberlake.
After Checking the lyrics of the song
discuss its meaning
Pay attention to the Chorus:
But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow
What is the real meaning of the song?
'Don't be afraid to show your true colors'
1.- An incredible metaphor for what we humans can do together despite our differences.
2.- We all have our weaknesses, but we have to pay attention to our positive things.
3.- There is a diversity between the children. It shows a mixture of wonderful race -really true colors.
4.- We all rae the same, Humans. All the colors of the world in one planet.
All of them are real interpretations of the song by different people.
The song can mean something different to everyone who hears it.