If I had to live my life without you near me The days would all be empty The nights would…
In the morning light Half awake and half asleep Have you ever laid there thinking Was it…
If a picture paints a thousand words Then why can’t I paint you? The words will never sho…
There was a man a lonely man Who lost his love through his indifference A heart that car…
wes tak pupuk winihe katresnanku kanggo awakmu dungoku tukul lemu urip ayem kanggo senen…
ku pernah terjatuh ku pernah ditinggalkan pupus cerita tinggallah impian Maha Sempurna …
ora perpisahan sing dadi getuning ati nanging nyapo mbiyen kowe tak senengi nyenengi slir…
mangan tempe rasane koyo mangan lawuh sate senajan sak anane sing penting karo kowe ngo…
begitu banyak cerita ada suka, ada duka cinta yang ingin ku tulis bukanlah cinta biasa …
lungo o aku wis lilo timbang koe ning kene mung gawe loro wis marem rasamu kelakon ngremu…
sayangku iki wis ra kurang kurang tresnoku iki neng kowe tenanan neng opo eneng cerito ye…
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