E se fosse per nostalgia Tutta questa malinconia che mi prende Tutte le sere E se fosse …
Ten score years ago defeat the kingly foe A wondrous dream came into being Tame the track…
You tell all the boys no Makes you feel good yeah I know youre out of my league But that…
Well Ive been fooled And Ive fooled around No sense to lie About where Im bound But on…
Dont fail me now I need your wishes wishes Dont fail me now I need your wishes wishes I …
Degrade me my purpose Bury me beneath the surface Im scratching Im clawing Trying hard …
JP Maunick Here I sit and watch the crowds go by Papa da papa papa yeah But theres only…
Is there ever really a right time You had led me to believe Someday youd be there for me …
The sun beats down Crushing me below its bounding weight Save me now Everything is lost…
kamu yang ku percaya tak pergi, ternyata pergi dimana kamu yang dulu mengejar tuk mendap…
There are times when you make me laugh there are moments when you drive me mad there are …
banyak cerita yang terjadi saat ku denganmu ada bahagia canda tawa, ada hati rindu jang…
hei manis coba kau catat keretaku tiba pukul empat sore tak usah kau tanya aku ceritaka…
langit hang dadi saksi bumi milu nyakseni suci lan putihe tulus lan ikhlase welas sun n…
It s been so long since we took the time to share words from deep inside us We re in our …
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